Neuigkeiten aus dem Netzwerk

Sustainability, crowdfunding and cooperation – Swiss start-up KUORI – on course for growth with support from EEN, Wildling Shoes and European funding

You are #startup and you looking for support? #EENCanHelp

Find out, how the Enterprise Europe Network supports small and medium-sized enterprises. You can find one example in our Interview-Article about the story of the swiss startup KUORI and the german company Wildling Shoes and their cooperation with the Enterprise Europe Network partners from Innosuisse and ZENIT GmbH.

Link to the complete Article "Mixed Interview" (Download, .pdf)

Enjoy reading!

NRW.Europa's start-up team supports small and medium-sized enterprises from the very beginning, from the foundation to the growth phase. We are there for you. Get in touch with us.



ZENIT GmbH / Enterprise Europe Network

für Nordrhein-Westfalen NRW.Europa

Andrea Dohle

Telefon: 0208 30004-34
